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European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA)
  • Call for tenders
  • Closed

Service Contract for the Design of Flexible EU Manufacturing and Innovation Capacity of Medical Countermeasures for Serious Cross-border Threats to Health


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Opening of tenders


The contract aims at defining key elements of a flexible EU manufacturing capacity (e.g. scientific, engineering, regulatory and economic dimensions), incl. assessment of volumes and types of products in order to enable manufacturing capacities for medical countermeasures for serious cross-border threats to health. The study is expected to run a comparative analysis between the following three options:

(a) an EU public-private co-owned and financed physical capacity that serves as a manufacturing and innovation capacity;
(b) a contractual network of private entities that can provide the capacities as and when needed by the EU;
(c) contractual agreement for advance purchase with producers and raw materials suppliers.

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