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European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA)
News article17 February 2022European Health and Digital Executive Agency, Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety1 min read

€894 million EU funding available for health research

horizon eu health generic

HaDEA has concluded the evaluation process of eight Horizon Europe ‘Health’ calls for proposals. Out of 592 submitted proposals, 96 have been selected for funding. The topics of the calls revolved around healthcare, health and environment, diseases, Investigational New Drugs (INDs), tools for a healthy society and the UNCAN initiative contributing to the EU Mission on Cancer.

Healthcare (HORIZON-HLTH-2021-CARE-05)

Available budget: €90 million

Proposals submitted: 87

Proposals accepted:10

Disease (HORIZON-HLTH-2021-DISEASE-04)

Available budget: €263 million

Proposals submitted: 253

Proposals accepted:37

Health and Environment (HORIZON-HLTH-2021-ENVHLTH-02)

Available budget: €130 million

Proposals submitted: 83

Proposals accepted:16

Health and Environment (HORIZON-HLTH-2021-ENVHLTH-03)

Available budget: €200 million

Proposals submitted: 1

Proposals accepted:1

Investigational new drugs (HORIZON-HLTH-2021-IND-07)

Available budget: €44 million

Proposals submitted: 16

Proposals accepted:6

Staying Healthy (HORIZON-HLTH-2021-STAYHLTH-01)

Available budget: €69 million

Proposals submitted: 67

Proposals accepted:8

Tools and technologies for a healthy society (HORIZON-HLTH-2021-TOOL-06)

Available budget: €115 million

Proposals submitted: 84

Proposals accepted:17

UNCAN Initiative (HORIZON-MISS-2021-UNCAN-01)

Available budget: €3 million

Proposals submitted: 1

Proposals accepted:1

Background on Horizon Europe – Cluster 1 ‘Health’

Horizon Europe is the research and innovation programme of the EU for the period 2021-2027. As part of the Horizon Europe Pillar 2 (global challenges and European industrial competitiveness), HaDEA implements actions under Cluster 1 ‘Health’. The Cluster contributes to six expected impacts, known as destinations, set out in the programme’s strategic plan:

  • Staying healthy in a rapidly changing society;
  • Living and working in a health-promoting environment;
  • Tackling diseases & reducing disease burden;
  • Ensuring access to innovative, sustainable & high-quality healthcare;
  • Unlocking the full potential of new tools, technologies and digital solutions for a healthy society; 
  • Maintaining an innovative, sustainable & globally competitive health industry.

Relevant links

Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe Cluster 1 ‘Health’

Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan



Programme Sector
  • Health
  • Horizon Europe
  • Horizon Europe Cluster 1: Health
  • Innovation
  • Medical research