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European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA)
  • News article
  • 14 May 2024
  • European Health and Digital Executive Agency
  • 1 min read

‘Twin it! 3D for Europe's culture’ final event on 14 May – Discover two HaDEA-managed projects contributing to the common EU data space for cultural heritage

HaDEA-managed projects 3D DIGITAL HERITAGE

The final event of the Twin it! campaign is taking place on 14 May 2024 after one year in which the Ministries of Culture of the EU Member States were invited to submit one 3D digitised heritage asset to the common European data space for cultural heritage, deployed by the Europeana Initiative

The deployment of the common European data space for cultural heritage is funded under the Digital Europe Programme. HaDEA is managing several projects that build digital capacity by collaborating with existing and relevant European national and regional initiatives and platforms. Some of these projects focus on harnessing advanced technologies to enhance the quality, sustainability, use and reuse of 3D content. 


EUreka3D supports the digital transformation of the cultural heritage sector, by offering capacity building and training, and new services, to Cultural Heritage Institutions advancing in the digitisation effort, especially in 3D digitisation, access, storage, sharing. In addition, the EUreka3D Data Hub and platform delivers a range of services dedicated to cultural heritage institutions that support storage, management and sharing of 3D assets and collections. As part of the project, a piloting action is taking place by four different content providers that represent a wide range of contexts: a public archive, an archaeological research centre, an academic 3D specialised centre, and a small museum. Several 3D items are digitised and are aggregated in the common European Data Space for Cultural Heritage.


5Dculture aims to enrich the offer of 3D digital cultural heritage assets in the data space by identifying high-quality 3D content and enhancing existing datasets from partners’ collections and Europeana. The project fosters their reuse in important domains such as education, tourism, and the wider cultural and creative sector. The 3D tools deployed within the project make extensive use of existing AI, machine learning and semantic technologies to automatically improve the 3D content and its metadata, being thus able to offer richer and improved user experiences. A community of practice containing a rich set of resources, tools and services deployed in the Data Space will be created to equip cultural heritage institutions with the necessary knowledge and skills. 



Publication date
14 May 2024
European Health and Digital Executive Agency
Programme Sector
  • Digital
  • Digital Europe Programme
  • Digital transformation
  • EUFunded
  • Event