Contracts - EU4Health 2022 Annual Work Programme - European Commission Skip to main content
European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA)

Contracts - EU4Health 2022 Annual Work Programme

Crisis preparedness

SC/2022/P3/07 -  Specific contract for a study designing a monitoring and evaluation framework following and assessing the progress towards the objectives of the strengthened EU One Health Action Plan against Antimicrobial resistance (AMR), under the Better Regulation framework contract (SANTE)


On 30 November, HaDEA signed a new contract for a study aiming at designing a monitoring and evaluation framework following and assessing the progress towards the objectives of the strengthened EU One Health Action Plan against Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and towards the actions proposed in the Council Recommendations on AMR.

The scope of this study is to support the European Commission in continuous monitoring of the effectiveness of the European Union (EU) level actions against antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The Study will include the identification of existing indicators and data sources, the development of new indicators and the design of new data collection activities when needed.

Contract value: €220 300                       

Contractor: Economisti Associati

Contractor’s country: Italy

Period: 11/2023 – 08/2024 (10 months)

Status: Ongoing


HADEA/2022/CPN/0009 - Ever-warm facilities (EU FAB) for vaccines and therapeutics production


The objective of this procurement procedure is to reserve capacities and a priority right for manufacturing of vaccines in case of a future public health emergency. This is to ensure that in the initial phase of a public health emergency sufficient manufacturing capacities are available before industry has scaled up their own production. The total number of doses to be reserved for manufacturing in cases of crisis is 325 million doses, all technologies included.

Contract value: Max ceiling €160 000 000           


  • Vector-based vaccines: Bilthoven Biologicals B.V
  • Protein-based vaccines (joint tenders) : Laboratorios Hipra S.A; CZ Vaccines and Laboratorio Reig Jofre SA
  • mRNA vaccines (joint tenders): Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals; Pfizer Manufacturing Belgium 

Contractors' countries: Belgium, Ireland, the Netherlands, Spain 

Period: 03/2023 – 03/2031

Status: Ongoing

Read the contract award notice to learn more. 


HADEA/2022/NP/0014 - Supply of Modified vaccinia Ankara against mpox


On 14 June 2023, HaDEA signed a service contract with Bavarian Nordic A/S. The contractor shall ensure the supply of Modified vaccinia Ankara (MVA), vaccines for mpox, marketed under the commercial name of Jynneos and their delivery-to-delivery points in the Member States, Iceland and Norway. The total amount of purchased doses is 334 540.

Contract value: €45 999 250       

Contractor: Bavarian Nordic A/S

Contractor’s country: Denmark                     

Period: 14/06/2023 – 13/06/2023 (12 months)

Status: Finalised


HADEA/2022/OP/0027 - Study on market research and mapping of innovative diagnostic testing solution


On 26 May 2023, HaDEA signed a service contract for a study with McKinsey Solutions SRL. The objective of this study is to support the gathering of information and mapping of innovative diagnostic solutions, currently in the market and/or in early research and development phase, that could be used for preparedness and response to cross-border health threats. The study will also cover the analysis of the supply chains of diagnostic solutions, any possible bottlenecks, and potential solutions to tackle the identified obstacles.

Contract value: €930 000                        

Contractor: McKinsey Solutions SRL

Contractor’s country: Belgium                       

Period: 26/05/2023 – 26/02/2024 (9 months)

Status: Ongoing

Read the contract award notice to learn more


HADEA/OP/2023/0005 - LOT 1 – Advanced Technology for Health INtelligence and Action (ATHINA): Development and maintenance of ATHINA state-of-the-art backbone, survey module and Public Health and Medical Countermeasures case management


The Contractor will develop and maintain the platform, including a survey module and case management modules in the fields of public health and medical countermeasures. It will support HERA in delivering its mandate to prepare, detect, and rapidly respond to serious cross border health threats. 

Contract value: €10 774 987.08 

Contractors: NTT DATA Belgique SRL and NETCOMPANY-INTRASOFT SA, as a group represented by NTT DATA Belgique SRL

Contractor’s country: Belgium

Period: 36 months, contract signed on 01/12/2023

Status: Ongoing

Read the contract award notice to learn more. 


HADEA/2022/P5/02 - Specific Contract under the Framework Contract HADEA/2022/OP/0012 - Studies and meetings on health emergency preparedness and response for HERA


The purpose of this specific contract is to support the organisation of maximum 6 face to face meetings, 17 scientific and policy background papers, 5 peer review, 16 stakeholder analyses, 11 surveys and 12 scientific webinars, on health topics.

Contract value: €1 397 526

(Main) contractor: Intellera Consulting Spa 

Contractor’s country: Italy       

Period: 36 months, signed 06/12/2023

Status: Ongoing


2022 P5 03 “HERA info days, events and matchmaking website”


The scope of the contract is enhancing HERA strategic role and partnership within the EU and globally. In 27 months, 23 events in EU Member States as well as in Third countries will be organised. Furthermore, HERA will launch the stakeholders' platform, that will support the manufacturers to find partners in different areas of the supply chains and present their innovative proposals. The platform will also host the Critical medicines Alliance network.

Contract value: €4 819 939.65 


Contractor’s country: Luxembourg

Period: 27 months, signed on 18/12/2023

Contract award notice: N/A 

Status: Ongoing


HADEA/2023/OP/0005 LOT 2 – Advanced Technology for Health INtelligence and Action (ATHINA)  Functional analysis of ATHINA modules on information systems linking, threat assessment, simulation and analytics and emergency response


The Contractor will analyse the business requirements provided to functional and potentially additional non-functional requirements including data modelling of the integrated data for the ATHINA modules on information systems linking, threat assessment, simulation and analytics and emergency response. 

Contract value: €2 264 998 


Contractor’s country: Belgium

Period: 12 months, signed on 01/12/2023

Status: Ongoing

Read the contract award notice to learn more.


HADEA/2023/OP/0005 LOT 3 – Advanced Technology for Health INtelligence and Action (ATHINA)  Analytics as managed services


The contractor will provide access to market analysis for the pharmaceutical ingredients and chemicals sectors, as well as market intelligence to improve HERA's understanding of the market. The contractor will also provide access to data analytics from service providers that will allow HERA to understand the flow of pharmaceutical products from manufacturer to wholesaler to point of sale. The contractor will also explore additional analytics service providers for health emergency preparedness and response.

Contract value: €4 356 797


Contractor’s country: Belgium

Period: 24 months, signed on 07/12/2023

Status: Ongoing

Read the contract award notice to learn more.


2022 P1 01 - Specific contract implementing Framework contract No HADEA/2022/CPN/009 for the reservation of capacities and a priority right for manufacturing of vaccines (EU FAB) – Lot 1


Reservation of capacities and a priority right for manufacturing of mRNA-based vaccines in case of a future public health emergency.

Contract value: €107 142 000

Contractor: Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals and Pfizer Manufacturing Belgium

Contractor’s country: Ireland and Belgium

Period: 12 months, contract signed on 27/06/2023

Status: Ongoing


2022 P1 02 - Specific contract implementing Framework contract No HADEA/2022/CPN/009 for the reservation of capacities and a priority right for manufacturing of vaccines (EU FAB) – Lot 2


Reservation of capacities and a priority right for manufacturing of vector-based vaccines in case of a future public health emergency.

Contract value: €26 250 000

Contractor: Bilthoven Biologicals B.V.

Contractor’s country: The Netherlands  

Period: 12 months, signed on 30/06/2023

Status: Ongoing


2022 P1 03 - Specific contract implementing Framework contract No HADEA/2022/CPN/009 for the reservation of capacities and a priority right for manufacturing of vaccines (EU FAB) – Lot 3


Reservation of capacities and a priority right for manufacturing of protein-based vaccines in case of a future public health emergency.

Contract value: €8 983 200           


Contractor’s country: Spain        

Period: 12 months, contract signed on 27/06/2023

Status: Ongoing


2022 P1 04 - SC implementing Framework contract No HADEA/2022/CPN/009 for the reservation of capacities and a priority right for manufacturing of vaccines (EU FAB) – Lot 3


Reservation of capacities and a priority right for manufacturing of protein-based vaccines in case of a future public health emergency.

Contract value: €17 600 000         

Contractor: CZ Vaccines S.A.U-Reig Jofre S.A.

Contractor’s country: Spain                      

Period: 12 months, contract signed on 27/06/2023

Status: Ongoing

Health systems and healthcare workforce

SC/2022/P3/05 (under SANTE/2021/OP/0002) - Supporting the current regulatory governance for medical devices to improve working methods and ensure regulatory governance


On 18 April 2023, HaDEA signed a service contract for a study with Ernst & Young Consulting BV (EY). This study aims at mapping, describing, and identifying key benefits and challenges of the current governance structure in the medical devices sector and its impact on innovation, with a view of informing possible adaptations to further optimise the system in short, medium and long term. The study will build on a number of surveys and activities in the field, including the organisation of workshops on governance and/or relevant policy-specific topics. The input gathered by the study will be used by the Contracting Authority in the implementation of the EU legislation on medical devices and/or feed in the upcoming evaluation.

Contract value: €480 087.50                      

Contractor: Ernst & Young Consulting BV (EY)

Contractor’s country: Belgium           

Period: 18/04/2023 – 17/10/2024 (18 months) 

Status: Ongoing

HADEA/2022/VLVP/0007 - Technical expert in the field of UDI and contact lenses, master UDI-DI solution for highly individualised devices


On 4 April 2022, HaDEA signed a contract with Purecon. The contractor shall provide technical assistance and advice on the development and the implementation of the Master UDI-DI solution and on the drafting of tertiary legislation in the field of the Master UDI-DI*, by providing support to develop the solutions for grouping contact lenses (standard and Made-To-Order) under the same identifier. Moreover, the contractor shall provide technical input necessary for the completion of a solution for the Master UDI-DI and related additional application identifiers and advice to support the drafting of tertiary legislation by DG SANTE.

Contract value: €14 900                            

Contractor: Purecon

Contractor’s country: Belgium           

Period: 04/04/2022 – 03/07/2023 (15 months) 

Status: Ongoing

* The UDI is the main identifier of a medical device which is used on its label. It identifies the specific device within a given product family. The UDI-DI is a numeric or alphanumeric code relating to a specific medical device.

HADEA/2022/OP/0024 - Supporting the cooperation between the national authorities and professional sector associations in the blood, tissue and cells and organs sectors          


On 27 June 2023, HaDEA signed a service contract with NTT DATA Belgium. The objective is the development of recommendations and guidelines for the management of substances of human origin (SoHO) in hospitals.

These should support the quality, safety, efficacy and optimal use of SoHO in hospitals and cover existing requirements under EU law as well as the provisions of the proposed “Regulation on standards for quality and safety of substances of human origin intended for human application”.

Contract value: €536 653                          

Contractor: NTT DATA Belgium SRL

Contractor’s country: Belgium           

Period: 27/06/2023 – 26/06/2025 (24 months) 

Status: Ongoing

Read the contract award notice to learn more. 

SC/2022/Beacon/00070 EUDAMED (under FWC DIGIT/2020/OP/0005) - Preparation of test plan, running regression tests, and proposing a full-scale functional audit plan


On 1 March 2023, HaDEA signed a service contract with NTT DATA Belgium. The contractor shall deliver a report on the extent of implementation of the EUDAMED functional specifications to prepare for the initial audit. To do so, the contractor shall oversee the management of the activities, prepare the EUDAMED Test Plan to be able to validate to which extent the current development of EUDAMED conforms with the functional specifications then validate the EUDAMED conformity status with its functional specifications.

Contract value: €74 990                            

Contractor: NTT DATA Belgium

Contractor’s country: Belgium           

Period: 01/03/2023 – 30/06/2023 (4 months)    

Status: Ongoing

HADEA/2022/OP/0021 - Service contract for a study on guidance to increase access to healthcare for people with disabilities including information and data on cancer prevention and care


The contractor is requested to:

  • Map and analyse the main bottlenecks in accessing healthcare for people with disabilities.
  • Provide guidelines on how to increase access and overcome barriers in access to healthcare (e.g., medical settings, digital health services and other relevant settings) for people with disabilities.
  • Analyse the situation of people with disabilities in terms of access to cancer screening, cancer diagnosis and care in all Member States. This includes collecting anonymously quantitative and qualitative data on patients with disabilities affected by cancer, barriers in accessibility and affordability of cancer screening, diagnosis and care for disabled patients, and differences in the quality of care they receive.

Contract value: €630 211.19              

Contractor: ICF SA

Contractor’s country: Belgium

Period: 01/08/2023 – 31/07/2025 (24 months)      

Status: Ongoing

SC/2022/P2/04 - Specific contract under the Framework contract HADEA/2021/OP/0011 - Studies on “Combined health warning strategies across countries” and “Packaging and labelling strategies”, with a subsequent "Assessment report of the current EU combined health warnings”


The contractor will provide an overview of the state of play of strategies covering: a) Health warnings on tobacco products; b) Packaging and labelling of tobacco products.

The overview shall lead to the identification of a set of best practices (products/country level) which will serve as benchmarks for the second part of the study.

The contractor shall then analyse and assess the information identified and described in point a) with respect to their relevance and applicability for relevant categories of tobacco and related products in the EU policy context. More specifically:

  • Benchmarking the best previously identified best practices and comparing with EU current policy frameworks.
  • Identify possible limitations and areas for improvement within the current EU framework.
  • Elaborate high-level policy options.

The analysis shall cover all tobacco and related products. It should be based on the review of existing sources.

Contract value: €220 000


Contractor’s country: Spain

Period: 01/09/2023 – 31/05/2024 (9 months)            

Status: Ongoing


HADEA/2021/P3/02 - Supporting the International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF) presidency, including the organisation of meetings and communication activities budget to be taken from the AWP 2021 but mentioned in the AWP 2022


The overall purpose of this request for service is to provide support to the European Commission (DG SANTE) for the organisation of two physical meetings of five days in the context of the IMDRF different configurations. The support is expected to cover logistical, technical, and administrative support, in particular document management, coordination work and preparation and follow up of each meeting. Participation in the meetings may vary, and for some meetings it could reach up to 500 participants. The contract includes physical meetings in Brussels, Belgium in March 2023 and in Germany in September 2023.

Contract value: €3 799 980                


Contractor’s country: Luxembourg     

Period: 23/09/2022 – 22/01/2024 (16 months)      

Status: ongoing

HADEA/2022/P3/04 - Specific contract under the framework contract HADEA/2021/OP/0012 for the evaluation of European Reference Networks (ERNs) by Independent Evaluation Body


The purpose of the service is for the contractor, as Independent Assessment and Evaluation Body (IAEB), to perform technical evaluations of existing European Reference Networks (ERNs) and Healthcare Providers (HCPs) under the framework of Article 12 of Directive 2011/24/EU on patients' rights in cross-border healthcare. To achieve the above-mentioned objectives, the contractor will conduct the tasks outlined in the framework contract HADEA/2021/OP/12.

Contract value: €3 705 908


Contractor’s country: Spain   

Period: 09/11/2022 – 08/12/2023 (13 months)            

Status: Ongoing


HaDEA/2022 P3 08 – Study on Hospital Exemption in relation to the implementation of the Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMP) Regulation (EC) No.1394/2007, implementing the framework contract for services HADEA/2022/OP/0012


On 4 September 2023, HaDEA signed a service contract with Intellera Consulting S.P.A., Predictby Research and Consulting S.L.U., CECOFORMA SA.

The objective of this study is to address the knowledge gaps regarding the implementation and the functioning of Hospital Exemption in EU countries.

Throughout the service contract, the contractor will:

  • Carry out a desk research on “Hospital Exemption” and “Academic development of ATMPs” in EU Member States;
  • Carry out mapping of stakeholders involved in the implementation of HE in EU Member States;
  • Carry out an online survey to test the accuracy and completeness of the information gathered in EU Member States;
  • Design a template for the national HE implementation report;
  • Organise an expert meeting on the study findings (upon invitation).

Contract value: €311 671.50                            

Contractor: Intellera Consulting S.P.A.

Contractor’s country:  Italy

Period: 18/09/2023 - 04/04/2025 (18,5 months)

Status: Ongoing


SC 2022 P3 09 Services for Administrative, logistic and communication support to the Secretariat of the Member State Coordination Group on Health Technology Assessment (“HTA Secretariat 2”) (specific contract under Framework Contract HADEA/2022/OP/012)

AWP 2022: HS-p-22-20.03-20.04


The purpose of this specific contract is to organise meetings with authorities and stakeholders from EU countries.

Contract value:  €684 421

Main contractor: Intellera Consulting S.P.A.; consortium including Predictby Research and Consulting S.L.U, CECOFORMA SA - Conception, Etudes et Coopération de Formation, and Empirica Gesellschaft für Kommunikations- und Technologieforschung mbH 

Main contractor’s country: Italy

Period: 18 months, contract signed on 30/11/2023

Status: Ongoing


BEACON-000123 – EUDAMED Independent Audit


To verify all EUDAMED MVP functional specifications and their related use cases per module and provide a final audit report with the outcome of that check.

Contract value: €329 430.85


Contractor’s country: Belgium   

Period: 9 months, contract signed on 01/12/2023

Status: Ongoing

Health promotion and disease prevention

SC 2022 P2 05 - Operation of the Technical Group for the assessment of tobacco characterising flavours, including maintenance of the group of sensory assessors - 2023-2024 under Single Framework Contract No HADEA/2023/OP/001


The general objective of this specific contract is to provide HaDEA and the European Commission with scientific, economic and technical expertise to facilitate the implementation of the current tobacco control policies.

More specifically, it should provide input to the assessment of sensory profiles and, where appropriate, chemical properties of tobacco products with a view to assist in decisions on whether tobacco products impart a characterising flavour other than tobacco.

This project was launched in the context of the implementation of the European Parliament and of the Council on Tobacco Products Directive, which provides that Member States shall prohibit the placing on the market of tobacco products with characterising flavours.

Contract value: € 627 200

Contractor: University of Crete

Contractor’s country: Greece

Period: 12 months, contract signed on 19/09/2023

Status: Ongoing 


HADEA/2022/OP/0011 – Single framework contract to support actions in the field of tobacco.control


The main purpose of the contract is to provide services to support the various actions in the field of tobacco control at EU level, including the implementation and further development of the EU’s tobacco control policy and legislation and actions further outlined in Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. The services should take into account progress concerning internationally agreed standards for tobacco and related products and take stock of recent and new technical developments in the field of tobacco and related products.

Contract value: €3 000 000

Contractor: Open Evidence S.L.

Contractor’s country: Spain

Period: 48 months, contract signed on 16/01/2023

Status: Ongoing 


HADEA/2022/P2/02 - Specific contract under Framework Contract SANTE/2021/OP/0002 - Study on the evaluation of the EU Action Plan on Childhood Obesity


In this study the contractor will evaluate the progress in the key areas in the Action Plan on Childhood Obesity and will provide an overview of the efforts carried out by the EU countries during the period 2014 – 2020. In addition to such overall assessment of the main past activities at the national level, the contractor will also map for each Eu country the ongoing and/or the planned actions on childhood obesity and related areas and analyse their strengths and weaknesses in their implementation.

The contractor will be identifying obstacles and remaining challenges, including examples of how the obstacles and challenges have been addressed within the collected examples.

Contract value:   €826 900                  

(Main) contractor: OPEN EVIDENCE SL

Contractor’s country: Spain  

Period:  03/08/2023 – 02/08/2024 (12 months)            

Status: ongoing

HADEA/2022/P2/03 (Based on SANTE/2021/OP/0002) - Study on the effectiveness of health information on alcoholic beverages    


On 31 March 2023, HaDEA signed a contract for a study with ICF S.A. The study shall map existing health information on alcoholic beverage labels and assess the effectiveness of different types of health information on the labels of alcoholic beverages. This study is part of the ongoing evidence-gathering to support the Commission on a possible proposal to introduce health warnings on labels of alcoholic beverages as mentioned in Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan.

Contract value: €521 600                           

Contractor: ICF S.A.

Contractor’s country: Belgium

Period: 31/03/2023 – 31/12/2023 (9 months)                

Status: Ongoing

HADEA/2022/P3/06 - Mapping and evaluating the implementation of the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan


On 2 May 2023, HaDEA signed a contract for a study with Open Evidence. The study is intended to support the review of the Europe Beating Cancer Plan. The objectives of the study are the following:

  • Assessing whether the action taken is sufficient to achieve the objectives, or whether additional measures are necessary;
  • Identifying further actions to support, coordinate and complement Member States’ efforts to reduce the suffering caused by cancer;
  • Setting the baseline and building a monitoring framework to assess the outcomes of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan.

Contract value: €884 150                           

Contractor: Open Evidence SL

Contractor’s country: Spain

Period: 02/05/2023 – 01/05/2024 (12 months)

Status: Ongoing

HADEA/2022/OP/0019 - Development of a code of conduct on fair access of cancer survivors to financial services


On 14 April 2023, HaDEA signed a service contract with Deloitte Consulting & Advisory BV. The contractor shall purchase a comparative study on the legal frameworks for safeguarding fair access to financial services (including insurance) in Member States for cancer survivors in a long-term remission, including their impact. The service shall also include a review of medical evidence on remission, including an identification of ongoing and future trends. As a final output, the contractor shall develop a proposal for a code of conduct on fair access of cancer survivors to financial services. The contractor will also support the Commission and the contracting authority with the organisation of an event to launch the code of conduct.

Contract value: €1 830 000                         

Contractor: Deloitte Consulting & Advisory BV

Contractor’s country: Belgium           

Period: 14/04/2023 – 13/06/2024 (14 months)              

Status: Ongoing

HADEA/2022/OP/0023 - Study on obstacles for cancer survivors to return to work   


A study on obstacles for cancer patients and survivors to remain in work and to return to work. The contractor develops a mapping of implemented or planned policies and related legislation in all EU Member States. The mapping should include an assessment/evaluation of the implementation of these policies/legislation with the view of supporting job retention and return to work for cancer patients and survivors.

Contract value: €546 250                           

Contractor: Ecorys Europe EEIG - GEIE

Contractor’s country: Belgium      

Period: 05/2023 – 05/2024 (12 months)                    

Status: Ongoing

HADEA/2021/P1/04 - Specific contract under framework contract SANTE/2021/OP/0002 - Acquisition of legal assistance to support the process of assessing the data storage contacts to be notified to the Commission under Article 15(9) of the Tobacco Products Directive 2014/40/EU


The contractor will provide external legal assistance for the Commission to carry out, in a timely manner, the assessment of incoming data storage contracts for new primary repositories.

The main deliverables of this contract will be the assessment of up to 150 draft storage contracts.

Contract value:  €199 800                    


Contractor’s country: Italy      

Period: 12/10/2022– 11/10/2024 (24 months)            

Status: Ongoing

HADEA/2023/OP/0001 - Single framework contract to Provide Services to Support the Assessment of Characterising Flavours in Tobacco Products


The contractor will provide with scientific, economic and technical expertise the Contracting authority and the Commission to facilitate the implementation of the current tobacco control policies.

More specifically, the framework contract should provide input to:

  • The assessment of sensory profiles and, where appropriate, chemical properties of tobacco products with a view to assist in decisions on whether tobacco products impart a characterising flavour other than tobacco.
  • The conduct of a study on optimisation/adaptation of relevant methodologies and approaches.

To reach these objectives, the contractor will be responsible for establishing and maintaining the technical group of sensory and chemical assessors (as specified in Article 12(1) of Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/786), for the execution of all the tasks under this contract.

Contract value: Ceiling €3 000 000                          


Contractor’s country: Greece 

Period: 12/09/2023 – 11/09/2027 (48 months)            

Status: Ongoing

HADEA/2021/P2/06 - Specific contract under Framework contract CHAFEA/2016/Health/36 - Tobacco Control Conformity Assessment


The objective of the project is to provide support to the Commission with the compliance assessment of the national measures transposing the Delegated Directive in 27 Member States.

Contract value: €75 083.83                        


Contractor’s country: Greece 

Period: 22/12/2022- 21/07/2023 ( 7 months)                           

Status: Finalised


SC 2022 P2 06 - Support to the compliance assessment of the transposition of Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2022/2100 in 27 Member States under Single Framework Contract HADEA/2023/OP/001


The objective of the project is to provide support to the Commission with the compliance assessment of the national measures transposing the Delegated Directive in 27 Member States. The compliance assessment will consist of:

  1. Transposition check aimed at verifying if all provisions of the Delegated Directive have been transposed into Member States' national legal orders as necessary; 
  2. Conformity check of national transposition and implementing measures assessing the compatibility of the national transposition measures with the Delegated Directive’s provisions. 

This action stems from the EU4Health 2022 Work Programme in particular the chapter on Cancer (Health promotion, cancer prevention and related risk factors) and Tobacco control policy, implementation and modernisation of tobacco control legislation.

Contract value: €100 000

Contractor: Open Evidence

Contractor’s country: Spain

Period: 18 months. contract signed on 20/11/2023

Status: Ongoing 


SC2022/BEACON/000054 - Support for eHealth Digital Service Infrastructure data controller in the context of data protection and system security


On 10 March 2023, HaDEA signed a service contract with PricewaterhouseCoopers EU Services. The general objective of this contract is to:

  • Analyse the existing processes and documentation on data protection and security;
  • Propose changes or additions to the documentation;
  • Develop a business continuity plan for the eHealth DSI central infrastructure components;
  • Conduct a risk assessment and prepare a template for Data Protection Impact Assessment.

Contract value: €425 030   

Contractor: PricewaterhouseCoopers EU Services

Contractor’s country: Belgium 

Period: 10/03/2023 – 09/12/2023 (9 months)   

Status: ongoing



Other actions

2022/P4/01 (under Framework contract EASME/2019/OP/0021) - High-level conference on Mental Health in the EU: Towards a comprehensive approach


The contractor will organise a half-day hybrid high-level conference to raise awareness on the Commission’s Communication on a comprehensive approach to mental health. The aim is to invite 300 participants on site, and up to 1 000 participants attending remotely. The hybrid conference will take place in the morning of Tuesday 10 October 2023 in Brussels. The conference will be followed by a networking lunch and a poster exhibition.

Contract value: €371 272.57                       

Contractor: Consortium of Netcompany-Intrasoft S.A. – Cecoforma – Action

Contractor’s country: Luxembourg                            

Period: 6 months         

Status: Concluded


HADEA/2022/OP/0012 - Multiple framework contracts in cascade for support services to manage expert groups in the field of health 2023-2025


The objective of this call for tenders is to support the management of the Commission health expert groups and their policy development and actions on key public health challenges. Its aim is to acquire managerial, administrative, technical, scientific and dissemination services. These specific requests may focus on various types of services to be provided or on a combination of types of services.

Contract value: €12 000 000                       

Contractor: Intellera Consulting Spa

Contractor’s country: Italy                             

Period: 03/2023 – 03/2024 (12 months)  

Status: ongoing


HADEA/2023/OP/0020 - Capacity-building and multi-disciplinary training programmes in the field of mental health; and Exchange programmes for health professionals in the field of mental health


The contractor shall provide a study on the assessment and analysis of the needs, gaps and obstacles in terms of capacities, knowledge, competences and training needs for professionals, such as health and others working in relevant settings in the community in the area of mental health. The purpose is to have 2000 healthcare professionals trained across the EU by 2026 & 100 exchanges per year on average. Moreover, the contractor shall also develop, pilot, implement and evaluate a multidisciplinary training programme on mental health, and of targeted capacity-building. The development, implementation and evaluation of a toolkit on a multidisciplinary approach to mental health capacity-building (a European blueprint) to support policymakers, professionals working in community settings shall also be provided.

Contract value: €9 000 000             

Contractors: GFA Consulting Group GmbH and Stichting Trimbos Instituut – Institute of Mental Health and Addiction

Contractors' countries: Germany and the Netherlands              

Period: 1/2024 - 11/2026 (36 months)

Status: ongoing

Check out the contract award notice for more information.