Area of action 1: Crisis preparedness
HADEA/2022/OP/0002 - Service contract for a study on guidance on methodologies to assess the performance of vaccination programmes
On 1 September 2022, HaDEA signed a service contract with a group of economic operators, namely Technopolis B.V., Schuttelaar & Partners, Consultancy for Food and Life Sciences NV and Stichting Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek van de Gezondheidszorg.
The contractors are expected to:
- Carry out a mapping of existing methodologies to monitor the performance of all vaccination programmes in EU countries;
- Develop a set of recommendations with a view to improving the identified methodologies;
- Organise a one-day conference with all EU competent national authorities;
- Finalise the set of recommendations, translate and disseminate these to all EU countries.
Contract value:
€645 000
Technopolis B.V., Schuttelaar & Partners, Consultancy for Food and Life Sciences NV and Stichting Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek van de Gezondheidszorg
01/09/2022 – 29/02/2024
Status: Ongoing
Read the contract award notice to learn more.
HADEA/2021/OP/0005 - A study on bringing AMR medical countermeasures to market
On 24 February 2022, HaDEA signed a service contract with PricewaterhouseCoopers EU Services for the preparation of a study on “Bringing AMR medical countermeasures to market”.
This study is aimed at collecting evidence and providing options for action to help bring more antimicrobial resistance medical countermeasures (AMR MCMs) to market in the European Union. Evidence collected will include a technological review of the AMR MCMs (e.g. medicines - including vaccines and medical devices), gathering evidence from the literature and detailing the potential of its usefulness, a gap analysis and an assessment of the needs of the EU Member States and key stakeholders. The study is also expected to develop options for action including appropriate operational, funding and support mechanisms under HERA and to identify tools ensuring that any safe and effective product brought to market with EU support is also immediately available to EU countries in the event of a public health emergency.
Contract value: €900 000
Contractor: PricewaterhouseCoopers EU Services
Contractor’s country: Belgium
Period: 24/02/2022 – 23/11/2022 (9 months)
Status: Finalised
Read the contract award notice and final study to learn more.
HADEA/2021/OP/0006 - Feasibility study on stockpiling of medical countermeasures in the area of AMR
On 11 March 2022, HADEA signed a service contract with McKinsey Solutions. The overall aim of this contract is to conduct a feasibility study and analysis on stockpiling solutions (physical vs other) of medical countermeasures for antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
The service contract covers elements, such as:
- Identification and assessment of options for stockpiling (physical vs virtual alternatives);
- Assessment of needs and availability of AMR countermeasures, both at Member State and EU level;
- Mapping and assessment of relevant stockpiling systems of different kinds, which are already operated at EU and/or global level (e.g. WHO);
- Identification of appropriate funding mechanisms, including procurement options;
- Identification and assessment of operational deployment mechanisms;
- Liability and regulatory aspects/constraints.
Contract value: €824 000
Contractor: McKinsey Solutions
Contractor’s country: Belgium
Period: 11/03/2022 – 10/09/2022 (6 months)
Status: Finalised
See the contract award notice and final study to learn more.
HADEA/2021/OP/0007 - Service contract for the design of flexible EU manufacturing and innovation capacity of medical countermeasures for serious cross-border threats to health
On 30 March 2022, HADEA signed a service contract with McKinsey Solutions. The overall aim of this contract is to assesses the scientific, engineering, legal and economic considerations for the implementation and maintenance of a flexible (multi-technology) EU manufacturing and innovation capacity for medical countermeasures for serious cross-border threats to health. The creation of this flexible EU manufacturing and innovation capacity should allow surge and scalable manufacturing of needed medical countermeasures in the case of a health emergency.
Contract value: €2 700 000
Contractor: McKinsey Solutions
Contractor’s country: Belgium
Period: 30/03/2022 – 27/02/2023 (11 months)
Status: Finalised
See the contract award notice and final study to learn more.
HADEA/2021/OP/0009 - Feasibility study, design and prototype development for a mapping platform on COVID-19 therapeutics in the EU
The general objective of this service contract is to gather all the information on the developments, production capacity and supply of COVID-19 therapeutics in the EU, including products in research and development phases.
In addition, the contractor is expected to design an IT mapping platform prototype to regroup, store and visualise such information. The mapping platform prototype includes a module in order to not only incorporate COVID-19 therapeutics, but also a wider range of products that might be needed for preparedness and response to any further public health threat.
The platform prototype has been handed over to the Commission with training material to help ensure its sustainability.
Contract value: €3 890 000
Contractor: Deloitte Consulting & Advisory BV
Contractor’s country: Belgium
Period: 07/04/2022 – 06/12/2022 (9 months)
Status: Finalised
See the contract award notice and final study to learn more.
HADEA/2021/OP/0010 - Service contract to identify obstacles to vaccination of physical, practical or administrative nature and develop recommendations
The main objective of this service contract is to provide support to EU countries in overcoming obstacles to vaccination of physical, practical and administrative nature, with a view to increase vaccination coverage rates in the EU.
The contractor is expected to map vaccination services in all EU Member States to identify obstacles to vaccination of physical, practical and administrative nature. Best practices in volunteering EU Member States are being piloted. By the end of the contract, final recommendations for overcoming obstacles to vaccination of physical, practical and administrative nature will be delivered to the European Commission.
Contract value: €5 051 963
Contractor: Kantar Belgium
Contractor’s country: Belgium
Period: 14/07/2022 – 13/07/2025 (36 months)
Status: Ongoing
Website: Coming soon
Social media: Coming soon
See the contract award notice to learn more.
HADEA/2021/OP/0011 - EU Immunisation Initiative: Service contract for systematic reviews of scientific evidence on vaccines and capacity building activities NITAG
The contractor supports the activities of the EU/EEA National Immunisation Technical Advisory Groups’ (NITAG) Collaboration by conducting systematic reviews of scientific evidence on vaccines including COVID-19. Capacity-building activities fall also under the remit of the service contract.
The ultimate goal of the service contract is to support EU Member States in their decision-making on national vaccination programmes, including COVID-19 vaccines and any adaptations of those vaccines due to the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants.
Contract value: €1 967 800
Contractor: Universitatsklinikum Freiburg
Contractor’s country: Germany
Period: 09/09/2022 – 08/09/2026 (48 months)
Status: Ongoing
See the contract award notice to learn more.
HADEA/2021/NP/0004 (exceptional negotiated procedure) - eTravel tool (Healthy Gateways) (amendment to original contract)
This contract aims to support the continuation of the operations of the digital single-entry point and database for e-Travel tool developed by the Joint Action Healthy Gateways, and the hand-over / integration into the EU digital system, including transfer of several supporting tasks to the participating Member States
Contract value: €1 400 000
Contractor: Panepistimio Thessalias (University of Thessaly, UTH)
Contractor’s country: Greece
Period: 16/12/2021 – 13/05/2024 (29 months)
Status: Ongoing
HADEA/2022/OP/0017: EU preparedness: analysis, planning, reporting and training programmes for health specialists
On 1 November 2022 HADEA signed a service contract with GFA Consulting Group GmbH. The objective of this contract is the development of the EU preparedness training programme and capacity building activities at the EU and national level. The EU preparedness training programme will focus on the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of national and EU preparedness plans to strengthen crisis preparedness, and on the rollout of pilot training courses. It will be complemented by capacity building activities at the EU and national level. Moreover, the contractor will produce a study including the analysis of preparedness capacity gaps and training needs and the development of adequate EU preparedness training, adapted to the national and Union level. The study aims to support the development of the training programme and the pilot training courses.
Contract value: €5 450 002.90
Contractor: GFA Consulting Group GmbH
Contractor's country: Germany
Period: 13/12/2022 - 12/11/2025 (36 months)
Status: ongoing
Specific contract BEACON-000075 - assessment of the needs to ensure alignment of the Early Warning and Response System (EWRS) with the regulation on serious cross-border threats to health
The purpose of this specific contract is to prepare the alignment of the Early Warning and Response System (EWRS) with the Regulation on serious cross-border threats to health, and to propose technical solutions to strengthen the data security and data protection procedures in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation, thereby improving the usefulness and efficiency of the EWRS.
The new architecture of the EWRS, to be proposed under this contract, will allow for the utilisation of emerging modern technologies, such as digital mobile applications, artificial intelligence models, space-enabled applications, or other technologies for automated contact tracing.
Contract value: €1 600 516
Contractors: NTT Data Belgique and Network Research Belgium SA (NRB)
Contractor’s country: Belgium
Period: 16/01/2023 – 15/01/2024 (12 months)
Status: Ongoing
Specific Contract 2021-P1-03 under the framework contract CHAFEA/2018/HEALTH/03 - feasibility study on contact-tracing tools and applications used at national and EU level and integration within EWRS, selective exchange module
The subject of this specific contract is the assessment of the lessons learnt with the COVID-19 large-scale cross-border contact tracing practice at national, EU and International level. To do so, the contractor will analyse the cross-border contact tracing management, asses the feasibility of contact tracing tool to support prevention and control of other transmissible diseases.
Moreover, the contractor is asked to carry out a survey about the use, gaps, and ways to improve cross-border contact tracing performance and will also review the need/impact of particular legal arrangements and improvements required to allow effective cross-border contact tracing always at international, national or subnational level.
Contract value: €319 400
Contractor: Stichting Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek van de Gezondheitszorg (Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research, NIVEL)
Contractor’s country: The Netherlands
Period: 10/06/2022 – 09/07/2023 (13 months)
Status: Ongoing
Specific contract 2021-P2-02 under the framework contract CHAFEA/2018/HEALTH/03 Europe's Beating Cancer Plan - subgroup on cancer and thematic group on comprehensive cancer infrastructures
The tasks requested from the contractor are to support the monitoring of the implementation of the plan, to organise sub-group meetings on cancer to consult with Member States. The contractor is requested to support the organisation of 12 meetings of the Subgroup on Cancer and its Thematic Group on Comprehensive Cancer Centres. In addition they are requested to prepare three studies to help with the implementation of the Cancer Plan.
Contract value: €391 820
Contractor: Stichting Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek van de Gezondheitszorg (Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research, NIVEL)
Contractor’s country: The Netherlands
Period: 29/03/2022 – 28/12/2023 (21 months)
Status: Ongoing
Specific Contract 2021 P1 02 001 under the FWC SANTE/2021/OP/0002 Study on the barriers to effective development and implementation of national policies on AMR: One Health action plan
The purpose of the contract was to support the preparation of future policy initiatives on antimicrobial resistance (AMR), responding to the call for action in the 2019 Council Conclusions on AMR and supporting the implementation of the EU One Health Action Plan against AMR.
The study provided a detailed analysis of the existing barriers to the development and effective implementation of:
- National One Health action plans to address AMR;
- Effective infection prevention and control measures in human health;
- Effective antimicrobial stewardship measures in human health.
The research was conducted under the following study areas: development and implementation of One Health NAPs, infection prevention and control (IPC) measures in hospitals and long-term care facilities (LTCFs); and antimicrobial stewardship measures (AMS) in hospitals, LTCFs, primary care and pharmacies.
The study included an extensive analysis covering the barriers existing at institutional/policy (in EU-27 Member States, plus Norway and Iceland) including financial barriers; the barriers existing at clinical level (e.g. clinical guidelines/practices available in the country) and at behavioural level (e.g. behaviour and practices of healthcare professionals or other relevant stakeholders despite existing guidance).
The data collection and analysis covered the period since the adoption of the 2017 Action Plan (2017) until 2022.
Contract value: €877 700
Contractor: (Group Leader) Economisti Associati SRL
Contractor’s country: Italy
Period: 08/06/2022 – 07/06/2023 (12 months)
See the final study to learn more.
Status: Finalised
Area of action 2: Health promotion & disease prevention
HADEA/2022/OP/0003 - Service contract for analysis on workforce availability, education and training needs for the quality and safety of medical applications involving ionising radiation in the EU
On 1 September 2022, HaDEA signed a service contract with the European Society of Radiology, ESR. This service contract aims at providing an analysis on workforce availability, education and training needs to ensure quality and safety aspects of medical applications involving ionising radiation in the EU. The service contract also foresees the development of staffing and education/training guidelines for key professional groups involved in ensuring radiation safety and quality of medical radiation applications in EU countries.
By the end of the service contract, the contractor will deliver conclusions and recommendations on the EU workforce availability, education and training needs to ensure quality and safety of medical applications involving ionising radiation.
Contract value: €499 300
Contractor: Europaische Gesellschaft fur Radiologie Verein (European Society of Radiology, ESR)
Contractor’s country: Austria
Period: 01/09/2022 – 31/08/2024 (24 months)
Status: Ongoing
See the contract award notice to learn more.
HADEA/2022/OP/0004 - Service contract to design, develop, pilot and deliver an ‘EU Mobile App for Cancer Prevention’
On 7 November 2022, HaDEA signed a service contract with Netcompany-Intrasoft SA. This service contract aims at designing, developing, piloting, and delivering the ‘EU Mobile App for Cancer Prevention’. The software and the app developed will help to ensure a better coverage and access to counsels and recommendations, on how to reduce the cancer risk.
The ‘EU Mobile App for Cancer Prevention’ will be accessible for free to the general population, to individuals at higher cancer risk and to difficult-to-reach populations, and will include, inter alia, the recommendations of the European Code against Cancer.
Contract value: €2 820 055
Contractor: Netcompany-Intrasoft SA
Contractor’s country: Luxembourg
Period: 07/11/2022 – 06/11/2024 (24 months)
Status: Ongoing
See the contract award notice to learn more.
HADEA/2022/OP/0005 - Service contract to design, develop, pilot and deliver the web IT tool of the prototype (mock-up) version of the ‘Cancer Survivor Smart Card’
On 5 December 2022, HaDEA signed a service contract with Bilbomatica SA. The overall aim of this service contract is to design, develop, pilot and deliver the web IT tool of the prototype (mock-up) version of the ‘Cancer Survivor Smart Card’, to improve the quality of life for cancer survivors, including children and young adults’ cancer survivors.
After designing and developing the prototype, the contractor shall organise, train, coach and assess a sample of card’s users, to pilot the prototype version of the ‘Cancer Survivor Smart Card’ in preparation for the final version of the prototype in order to develop the final version of the app and its “Administrator’s” and “User’s” manuals.
Contract value: €2 988 391.19
Contractor: Bilbomatica SA
Contractor’s country: Spain
Period: 5/12/2022 – 4/12/2024 (24 months)
Status: Ongoing
See the contract award notice to learn more.
Area of action 3: Health systems & health workforce
HADEA/2022/OP/0001 - Service contract for logistic, administrative and secretarial support to DG SANTE related to the governing bodies of the European Reference Networks (ERNs) and the eHealth Network (eHN)
On 14 July 2022, HaDEA signed a contract with infeurope SA and Mercury 97 Ltd. The contractors are expected to provide logistic, administrative, and secretarial support to the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (SANTE) regarding the functioning of the governing bodies of the European Reference Networks (ERNs) and the eHealth Network (eHN).
Contract value: €679 240
Contractor: infeurope SA and Mercury 97 Ltd.
Period: 14/07/2022 – 13/07/2025
Status: Ongoing
See the contract award notice to learn more.
HADEA/2021/OP/0012 - Single framework contract for performing independent assessments and evaluations of European Reference Networks (ERNs) and of healthcare providers
On 27 September 2022, HaDEA signed a service contract with IDOM Consulting, Engineering, Architecture, S. A. U. and the Fundación Publica Andaluza Progreso y Salud. Through this single framework contract, the contractors will perform upon request independent assessments and evaluations. More specifically, they will:
Conduct documentation reviews of European Reference Networks (ERNs), including online interviews;
Perform documentation reviews of healthcare providers (HCPs) for both general and specific criteria;
Perform onsite audits (if needed, online audits) of ERNs and HCPs.
Contract value (ceiling): €10 000 000
Contractors: IDOM Consulting, Engineering, Architecture, S. A. U. and the Fundación Publica Andaluza Progreso y Salud
Period: 27/09/2022 – 31/08/2026
Status: Ongoing
See the contract award notice to learn more.
HADEA/2021/P3/01 – Specific Contract under Framework Contract EASME/2019/OP/0021: Information and communication campaign on the new regulations on Medical Devices
On 1 November 202, HaDEA signed a service contract with Netcompany-Intrasoft SA. The purpose of the contract is to facilitate the understanding of the requirements specified in the new Medical Devices (MDR) and In Vitro Devices Regulations (IVDR).
The information and communication campaign will target all the medical devices stakeholders and will provide them with information on the changes that occurred in the medical devices’ legislative framework with the adoption of the new rules, to ensure a smooth transition from the previous Directives to the MDR and IVDR. The campaign will focus on the need-to-know actors involved in this field, such as manufacturers, notified bodies, importers, distributors, authorised representatives, re-processors of single-use devices, laboratories, healthcare institutions and healthcare professionals, competent authorities, patients and the general public.
Contract value: €199 972
Contractor: Netcompany-Intrasoft SA
Contractor’s country: Luxembourg
Period: 01/11/2022 - 28/02/2025 (28 months)
Status: Ongoing
HADEA/2021/P3/03 (Specific Contract under SANTE/2021/OP/0002 Framework Contract) - Survey key actors operating on the market, namely notified bodies and manufactures (also authorised representatives if appropriate) to get information on devices and certificates.
On 2 December 2022, HaDEA signed a service contract with Civic Consulting GMBH.
The scope of the study is to monitor the availability of medical devices on the EU market in the context of the implementation of the Medical Devices Regulations (MDR) as well as identify potential challenges to be addressed.
The contractor is working to:
- Develop a structured questionnaire for surveying key stakeholders in order to collect data quarterly;
- Create a dashboard, including relevant indicators, consisting of tables, graphs and others tools useful to show the results of the collected data; the dashboard has to be updated with data collected quarterly;
- Prepare an annual analysis report of the identified indicators and insights coming from the dashboard;
- For each quarterly survey, present the outcomes of the analysis in a report with user-friendly layout, including infographics and trend reports, also considering the possible dissemination among stakeholders and the public.
Contract value: €469 570
Contractor: Civic Consulting GMBH
Contractor’s country: Germany
Period: 02/12/2022 - 01/12/2025 (36 months)
Status: Ongoing
HADEA/2021/P3/04 (Specific Contract under SANTE/2021/OP/0002 Framework Contract) - Study on the implementation of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices on the EU market
On 15 December 2022, HaDEA signed a service contract for a study with Civic Consulting GMBH. The scope of this study was to collect data and information on the reprocessing of single-use devices within the EU to evaluate how the Medical Devices Regulation (MDR) provisions on reprocessing of single-use devices have been implemented by Member States and how such provisions operate. The conclusions of the study include recommendations for optimising the implementation of Article 17 MDR in Europe.
Contract value: €252 400
Contractor: Civic Consulting GMBH
Contractor’s country: Germany
Period: 15/12/2022 - 14/02/2024 (14 months)
Status: Concluded
Read the final study and check out the dashboard.
HADEA/2022/OP/0018 - Training and networking of Substances of Human Origin (SoHO) Competent Authorities’ staff for oversight
The main objective of this call for tenders is to develop a training programme of SoHO national competent authorities’ (NCA) staff involved in oversight tasks, particularly inspections, vigilance and BTC preparation processes assessment, aiming to:
- reinforce the skills of NCAs staff involved in the above-mentioned activities,
- facilitate a harmonized interpretation of the EU legislative framework,
- promote common practices for oversight activities,
- facilitate exchanges and networking among NCAs staff, and foster possible collaborations among them (for joint inspections, peer audits),
- promote trust between EU NCAs in the SoHO field.
Contract value: €1 878 162.50
Contractor: Istituto Superiore di Sanità (lead) and Zadig srl Società Benefit
Contractor’s country: Italy
Period: 36 months, contract signed on 14/12/2022
Status: Ongoing
Read the contract award notice to know more.
Area of action 4: Digital
HADEA/2022/OP/0006 - Capacity building on primary use of health data
On 20 October 2022, HaDEA signed a service contract with Empirica. The contractor shall design a Catalogue with a set of minimum expected digital health capacity requirements. The Catalogue shall cover the areas of eHealth governance, interoperability, infrastructure, data quality, data security and digital health services. After defining the capacity building requirements, the contractor will map the EU countries by their achievement level in relation to the Catalogue requirements. The contractor shall also assess and rank all EU countries towards the essential requirements defined in the Catalogue and provide a clear picture on the digital health maturity level of each EU country. Twinning visits shall be organised after the mapping of the digital health maturity level.
Contract value: €1 692 000
Contractor: Empirica
Contractor’s country: Greece
Period: 20/10/2022 – 19/10/2023 (48 months)
Status: ongoing
See the contract award notice to learn more.