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European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA)

Tentative calendar 2024

Publication of open calls for proposals (grants)

Please note that the timing of publication is only indicative and might be subject to change.

AWP codeTitle of the action as per the
EU4Health Annual Work Programme (AWP) 2024
Indicative budgetIndicative
publication date
closing date
Action grants 
CR-g-24-42 Call for proposals on radiation safety and quality of computed tomography imaging of children and young adults€3 000 00017.09.202422.01.2025
CR-g-24-96 Call for proposals to support the establishment of new networks of expertise on cancer and cancer conditions€1 000 00017.09.202422.01.2025
CR-g-24-99 Call for proposals on personalised cancer medicine €3 000 00017.09.202422.01.2025
DI-g-24-76 Call for proposals on advancing the adoption of artificial intelligence in health€4 500 00017.09.202422.01.2025
DP/CR-g-24-29 Call for proposals on health promotion and prevention of non-communicable and communicable diseases, including vaccine-preventable and other cancers caused by infections, and on smoke- and aerosol-free environments€5 000 00017.09.202422.01.2025
DP-g-24-25 Call for proposals to support a comprehensive, prevention-oriented approach to mental health in the Union €2 000 00017.09.202422.01.2025
OA-g-24-79 Call for proposal: action grants to contribute to the organisations of conference and events€450 00017.09.202422.01.2025

Opening of direct grants

Please note that the timing of publication is only indicative and might be subject to change.

AWP codeTitle of the action as per the
EU4Health Annual Work Programme (AWP) 2024
Indicative budgetIndicative
publication date
closing date
Direct grants to EURLs 
CP-g-24-1 Direct grants to EU Reference Laboratories (EURLs) to support their functioning in accordance to Regulation (EU)2022/2371 on serious cross-border threats to health€7 500 00020.12.202407.03.2025
HS-g-24-63 Direct grant to EU reference laboratories for the Union contribution on in vitro diagnostic medical devices Regulation €5 500 00017.09.202422.01.2025
Direct grants to Member States' authorities   
DI-g-24-75 Expansion of MyHealth@EU€7 000 00017.09.202422.01.2025
CR-g-24-41 Personalised Cancer Medicine€27 900 00017.09.202422.01.2025
CR-g-24-44 Paediatric palliative care€14 500 00017.09.202422.01.2025
DP/CR-g-24-27 Health promotion and disease prevention including smoke- and aerosol- free environments€16 000 00017.09.202422.01.2025
DP/CR-g-24-28 Cancers caused by infections, vaccine-preventable cancers and addressing communicable diseases (HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis)€20 000 00017.09.202422.01.2025
DP-g-24-24 Promoting a comprehensive, prevention-oriented approach to mental health to support vulnerable group€6 000 00017.09.202422.01.2025
DP-g-24-34 Supporting National Focal Points (NFPs) in providing guidance, information and assistance related to the promotion and implementation of the EU4Health Programme and other relevant legislation €2 000 00017.09.202422.01.2025
HS-g-24-104 Effective use of regulatory flexibilities including magistral preparations that might be used to mitigate certain shortages €2 000 00017.09.202422.01.2025
HS-g-24-54 Pricing and Reimbursement Authorities – to step up national work and collaboration in the group of National Competent Authorities on Pricing and Reimbursement and Public Healthcare Payers (NCAPR)€2 000 00017.09.202422.01.2025
OA-g-24-78-1Events organised by the Presidency of the Council of the European Union€100 000TBDTBD
OA-g-24-78-2Events organised by the Presidency of the Council of the European Union€100 000TBDTBD

Publication of open calls for tenders

Please note that the timing of publication is only indicative and might be subject to change.

AWP codeTitle of the action as per the
EU4Health Annual Work Programme (AWP) 2023 and 2024
Indicative budgetTentative publication date
Crisis preparedness
CP-p-24-15Support to speed up the development of access to and/or uptake of medical countermeasures including critical medicines€40 000 000Q3/Q4 2024
CR-p-24-35Exploratory study on the provision of care for Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) cancer patients in the Union€1 000 000Q3/Q4 2024
Health systems
HS-p-24-50Implementation of pharmaceutical legislation and data-driven policy for medical products€4 000 000Q3 2024
HS-p-24-64Horizon scanning for medical devices€1 000 000Q3 2024
HS-p-24-66Translation of medical devices and in vitro diagnostics nomenclature€800 000Q3 2024
HS-p-24-59Organisational support to Member States to implement the new Regulation on Substances of Human Origin€5 400 000Q4 2024
DI-p-24-72Support centre for the European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format (EEHRxF) and for the interoperability and security of electronic health record systems€4 500 000Q3 2024
DI-p-24-73Support to key stakeholders and HealthData@EU participants in scope of the proposed European Health Data Space€ 1 500 000Q3 2024