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European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA)
Call for proposalsClosed

Integration of 5G with edge computing and federated cloud facilities


Publication date
12 October 2022 in Funding & tenders portal
Opening date
Deadline model
Deadline date
21 March 2023, 17:00 (CET)
Programme Sector
  • Digital
  • Connecting Europe Facility 2
  • Digital technology
  • Digital transformation
  • EUFunded
  • Proposals


The main objective of this CSA is to accelerate the development of edge computing solutions as part of 5G corridors and 5G smart communities and thus ensure their integration in the European federated cloud and edge infrastructures funded under the CEF Digital and Digital Europe programmes.

The objective is to develop - in cooperation with different stakeholder communities and various ongoing projects in the relevant deployment programmes - concepts and facilities for:

  • the interconnection of newly deployed 5G corridor sections and 5G infrastructure for local communities with edge computing facilities and federated cloud infrastructures;
  • relevant operational service platforms that enable the provision of CAM and commercial 5G connectivity services; and
  • the support of services of general interest in local communities.

Furthermore, the objective is to accompany CEF-funded 5G deployment projects during their edge node deployment and service platform integration phase in order to adopt the common concepts developed.


The CSA should gather and consolidate information on the various planned actions under European and national programmes as well as the main private sector initiatives in the field and raise awareness to the stakeholders involved in the various relevant ongoing or future projects.

Based on this information, it should – in close cooperation with stakeholders – deliver principles and network architecture concepts for connecting 5G infrastructures along transport corridors and 5G smart communities to the edge node and federated cloud infrastructure with the aims: (i) to meet service requirements for connected and automated mobility, in particular the stringent requirements for road safety and digital train operations; (ii) and to generate economic efficiencies, whereby the overall 5G-edge-cloud platform would serve the vertical needs of various communities and sectors, in particular mobility and socio-economic drivers.