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European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA)
News article20 June 2024European Health and Digital Executive Agency1 min read

European Reference Networks (ERNs): HaDEA signs 24 multi-annual grant agreements under the EU4Health programme

European Reference Networks

HaDEA has recently signed 24 multi-annual grant agreements with the European Reference Networks (ERNs), for a total EU contribution of over €77 million for the period October 2023 - September 2027.

The European Reference Networks (ERNs) are virtual networks involving healthcare providers across Europe to improve the diagnosis, care and treatment of patients and families suffering from rare diseases. They receive financial support through the EU4Health programme

Established in 2017, there are currently 24 ERNs located in 27 EU countries and Norway. Bringing together more than 1619 specialised centres in 382 hospitals, the ERNs are an infrastructure for knowledge creation and sharing, structured collaboration, partnership between experts and people living with a rare disease and virtual expert advice across EU borders. 

One of the main activities of the ERNs is to facilitate discussions on the Clinical Patient Management System (CPMS). These discussions are performed in a secure web-based application to support ERNs in the diagnosis and treatment of rare or complex conditions across national borders. CPMS will realise one of the ERNs core tasks: bringing specialised care to all patients in Europe. Furthermore, all ERNs are working on the establishment and operation of patient registries, which are key to a digitalised European healthcare.

The multi-annual ERN grants run alongside the JARDIN Joint Action, under HaDEA’s remit, which supports the integration of the ERNs into national health systems, with a total EU contribution of €15 million for the period January 2024 - January 2027. 


European Reference Networks (ERNs)

Launch of JARDIN Joint Action 

Watch the video "EU Protects: How the EU connected experts to treat epilepsy"

EU4Health is the fourth and largest of the EU health programmes. The EU4Health programme goes beyond an ambitious response to the COVID-19 crisis to address the resilience of European healthcare systems. The programme provides funding to national authorities, health organisations and other bodies through grants and public procurement, contributing to a healthier Europe.

HaDEA manages the vast majority of the total EU4Health budget and implements the programme by managing calls for proposals and tenders from 2021 to 2027.


Publication date
20 June 2024
European Health and Digital Executive Agency
Programme Sector
  • Health
  • EU4Health
  • HealthUnion
  • Scientific research