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European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA)

Contracts - EU4Health 2023 Annual Work Programme

Crisis preparedness

HADEA/2023/P1/01 (Specific contract under the Framework contract CHAFEA/2018/HEALTH/03) - EU reference laboratories (I): support the set-up and operation of the EU reference laboratories for the Diagnostics of Human Pathogens Network (Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on serious cross-border threats to health and repealing Decision No 1082/2013/EU)   


The objective of this contract is to support the designation and implementation of the future EU reference laboratories (EURLs) in the area of public health/human pathogens.

The main tasks are to support the European Commission and ECDC in their on-going mapping of existing networks and ongoing activities in the EU, from which learning can be extracted on how to set up and implement EURLs for human pathogens as well as to identify gaps and potential for overlap. And to also support the European Commission and ECDC with stakeholder consultations on issues related to the implementation of EURLs. This may include the collection of information on activities carried out under existing laboratory networks (including those operated by ECDC and other relevant EU actions) as well as on future laboratory networks (including those to now operated by DG HERA).

Contract value:   €295 000

Contractor: Stichting Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek van de Gezondheidszorg (Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research - NIVEL)

Contractor’s country: The Netherlands

Period: 20/04/2023 - 19/11/2023 (7 months)

Status: Finalised

HADEA/2023/P1/02 (Specific Contract under Framework Contract CHAFEA/2018/HEALTH/03) - Training on management of medical countermeasures: public procurement in times of crisis


The purpose of this contract is to organise advanced training workshops on public procurement of medical countermeasures, and on medical countermeasures’ stockpiling management and operations, with the aim of strengthening knowledge and skills on preparedness and response to medical countermeasures. The workshops’ programmes expose participants to the different aspects of medical countermeasures’ procurement and stockpiling, covering preparedness and response, using case studies and best practices, with a hands-on and interactive approach.

Contract value: €  332 022

Contractor: Stichting Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek van de Gezondheidszorg (Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research - NIVEL)

Contractor’s country: The Netherlands          

Period:  20/04/2023 - 19/11/2023 (7 months)

Status: Finalised

HADEA/2022/P5/01 (Specific Contract under the Framework Contract HADEA/2022/OP/0012 (PHEG 1)) - Disease preventions - Support Services for the Mental Health Expert Group on Public Health (MH-PHEG) I


The purpose of this specific contract is to support:

  • The organisation of maximum 2 physical meetings, 4 webinars, 3 studies, 2 scientific webinars
  • The preparation of 2 discussion papers and 1 survey on health topics

This will allow Member States to discuss priority areas in the field of mental health and address the concrete actions. The contractor will draw a list of promising and best practices. One of the key responsibilities of the contractor is to identify and compile a list of promising and best practices from the submitted entries. The contractor will then carefully review and evaluate the practices based on predefined criteria or guidelines.

Contract value: €500 000 

(Main) contractor: Intellera Consulting Spa 

Contractor’s country: Italy       

Period: 13/09/2023 - 12/01/2025 (16 months)                    

Status: Ongoing


SC 2023 P3 01 - Enhancing the implementation of the Directive on Patients' Rights in Cross-Border Healthcare


The objective of the contract is to inform the stakeholders who might be potentially concerned by an EU citizen’s decision to seek healthcare abroad, (such as healthcare professionals, healthcare providers, payers, national/local administrations, patients’ organizations, etc.) about their rights and the Directive’s provisions. The action shall also raise awareness about the European Reference Networks (ERNs), and the existing possibilities for patients affected by a rare or low prevalence and complex diseases and conditions to obtain a consultation with an existing ERN.

The contractor will assist the Commission by performing three main tasks:

  • Organisation of up to 10 national workshops in EU countries
  • Organisation of one EU-level event in Luxembourg for the representatives of EU countries
  • Costumisation and further adaptation of the communication materials on the Directive on patients’ rights and ERNs

Contract value: €499 815.18

Contractor: Netcompany-Intrasoft

Contractor’s country: Greece

Period: 30/10/2023 - 29/04/2025 (18 months)                    

Status: Ongoing


SC/2023/P3/04 (Specific contract based on framework Contract No HADEA/2022/OP/0012 - Multiple Framework Contracts in cascade for support services to manage expert groups in the field of health 2023-2025) - Support to NCAPR in implementing the Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe's Affordability Agenda


The purpose of the contract is to support  the implementation of the Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe and the Communication on Addressing Shortages in the EU by providing logistic, knowledge and administrative support to the cooperation in the group of National Competent Authorities on Pricing & Reimbursement and public healthcare payers (NCAPR). This includes the organisation and facilitation of meetings and webinars, the development of a discussion paper as well as the coordination and scientific support to the NCAPR Group.

Contract value: €253 730

Main contractor: Intellera Consulting Spa 

Contractor’s country: Italy

Period: 19/02/2024 - 19/02/2025 (12 months)                    

Status: Ongoing


HADEA/2023/P1/03 - specific contract implementing framework contract SANTE/2021/OP/0002: Study on Gap analysis on knowledge and skills and recommendations for future training needs on Medical Countermeasures


The contractor will carry out a study to allow HERA to design its training strategy and implement an efficient training programme, and ensure its complementarity and EU added value. The study will: 

  1. Report on training needs and target groups to be reached, with clear identification of needs, gaps and existent offer available to EU Member States in line with HERA’s mandate and objectives; 
  2. Provide recommendations for HERA’s strategy and training programme with a roadmap for implementation.

Contract value: €333 125 

Contractor: ICF SA

Contractor’s country: Belgium

Period:  9 months (+ 2 months extension/amendment by contract), contract signed on 11/10/2023

Status: Ongoing


HADEA/2023/OP/0036 - Speed up the development of and access to innovative medical countermeasures - LOT 1 - Vaccines to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR)


The scope of the call for tenders focuses on the speed-up of the development of promising vaccines, medicinal products and diagnostics, that are indicated to diagnose/detect, prevent, protect from, or treat conditions associated to serious cross-border health threats and to the acquisition of the priority right to purchase to ensure access to the investigational medicinal products (IMPs) and products.

Contract value: €12 593 449              

Contractor: BIOFABRI S.L.U.

Contractor’s country: Spain    

Period: 48 months, contract signed on 27/05/2024

Status: Ongoing

Read the contract award notice to learn more.


2023 P1 05 - Training on management of medical countermeasures for preparedness and response to cross border health threats


The contract will support the implementation of seven thematic trainings on selected topics related to the development, production, procurement and distribution of medical countermeasures for preparedness and response to cross border health threats.

Contract value: €592 932 


Contractor’s country: Italy        

Period: 14 months, contract signed on 11/04/2024

Status: Ongoing

Health systems

SC 2023 P3 03 - Support to the technical secretariat for the Notified Bodies Coordination Group, implementing the framework contract for services HADEA/2022/OP/0012 (Multiple Framework Contracts in cascade for support services to manage expert groups in the field of health 2023-2025)


The purpose of this contract is to provide logistic, knowledge and administrative support services to the Notified Bodies Coordination Group (NBCG-Med) referred to in Article 49 of Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices (MDR) and in Article 45 of Regulation (EU) 2017/746 on in vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVDR), and to assist the Chairpersons of the NBCG-Med in carrying out technical-related duties.

Contract value: €298 867.50 

Main Contractor: Intellera Consulting S.P.A.

Contractor’s country: Italy       

Period: 14 months, contract signed on 20/09/2023

Status: Ongoing


Specific Contract HaDEA 2023 P3 04 - Support to NCAPR in implementing the Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe's Affordability Agenda, implementing the framework contract for services HADEA/2022/OP/0012 


The purpose of the contract is to support the implementation of the Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe and the Communication on Addressing Shortages in the EU by providing logistic, knowledge and administrative support to the cooperation in the group of National Competent Authorities on Pricing & Reimbursement and public healthcare payers (NCAPR). 

This includes the organisation and facilitation of meetings and webinars, the development of a discussion paper as well as the coordination and scientific support to the NCAPR Group.

Contract value: €253 730

Contractor: Predictby Research and Consulting S.L.U.

Contractor’s country: Spain                      

Period: 12 months, contract signed on 19/02/2024

Contract award notice: NA 

Status: Ongoing


HADEA/2023/OP/0024 — Capacity building for Secondary Uses of Health Data for the European Health Data Space (EHDS)


The aim of this service contract is to strengthen the skills of staff in health data access bodies (HDABs), and standardise the skills of European Health Data Space (EHDS) ambassadors, i.e. people with a platform/channel to reach out to stakeholders engaged on secondary use of health data, through knowledge creation, transfer, and best practices exchange among EU countries, on five digital business capabilities, all of which are crucial for the secondary use of health data in the perspective of the EHDS. The requested services include the preparation of training materials and delivery of trainings, the preparation of materials to support local implementations, including a twinning approach. Additionally, the requested services include verification and monitoring local implementations. This capacity building intervention is expected to facilitate, accelerate, and harmonise the implementation of the European Health Data Space provisions related to the secondary use of health data.

Contract value: €1 184 288.90

Contractors: NTT DATA Belgique SRL (group leader), Predictby Research and Consulting, S.L.U. (group member) and empirica Gesellschaft für Kommunikations- und Technologieforschung mbH (group member).

Contractor’s country: Belgium, Spain, Germany. The group leader is based in Brussels, Belgium.

Period: 36 months, contract signed on 03/04/2024

Status: Ongoing

Read the contract award notice to learn more. 

Other actions

HADEA/2023/P5/02 (Specific Contract under the Framework Contract HADEA/2022/OP/0012) - Support Services for the Expert Group on Public Health (PHEG III)


The purpose of this specific contract is to support the organisation of maximum 5 face to face meetings, 32 online meetings, 17 scientific and policy background papers, 15 peer reviews, 6 stakeholder analyses, 7 surveys and 26 scientific webinars, on health topics. The contractor will also be tasked with managing and animating online expert/stakeholders groups on the Health Policy Portal

Contract value: €1 334 109

(Main) contractor: Intellera Consulting Spa 

Contractor’s country: Italy      

Period: 36 months, contract signed on 09/04/2024

Status: Ongoing


HADEA/2024/VLVP/0008 – Support to the European Reference Network’s (ERN) Working Group on improvement of ERN’s evaluation methodology - Specific knowledge on ERNs legislation and AMEQUIS methodology


The objective of the contract is to support the newly established ERNs Working Group on the Improvement of ERNs Evaluation, in charge of developing a final technical report on the revision of the methodology.

The contractor is expected to attend the Working Group meetings providing input during the meetings, in particular on the current evaluation methodology and ERN legislation; and commenting on the WG deliverables, such as Draft Meeting Reports and the Draft Final Technical Report, focusing on the revision of AMEQUIS methodology.

Contract value: €14 500

Contractor: Fundacion Avedis Donabedian para la mejora de la calidad asistencial

Contractor’s country: Spain

Period: 12 months, contract signed on 25/04/2024

Status: Ongoing


HADEA/2024/VLVP/0012 – Support to the European Reference Network’s Working Group on improvement of ERN’s evaluation methodology - Specific knowledge on the fifth-year evaluation implementation


The objective of the contract is to support the newly established ERNs Working Group on the Improvement of ERNs Evaluation, in charge of developing a final technical report on the revision of the methodology.

The contractor is expected to attend the Working Group (WG) meetings providing input during the meetings on the ERNs fifth-year evaluation implementation; and commenting on the WG deliverables, such as draft meeting reports and the draft final technical report, focusing on the revision of the evaluation process.

Contract value: €14 300

Contractor: IDOM Consulting, Engineering, Architecture S.A.U.

Contractor’s country: Spain

Period: 12 months, signed on 25/04/2024

Status: Ongoing


HaDEA/2023/P3/05 - Study on designing and testing a Monitoring framework for the Implementation of the EU Global Health Strategy, Specific contract under the Framework Contract SANTE/2021/OP/0002


The study aims to design and test an effective monitoring framework to assess the progresses and results achieved in implementing the Global Health Strategy (GHS) and its guiding principles.

Contract value:  €616 120


Contractor’s country: Belgium

Period: 12 months, contract signed on 18/06/2024

Status: Ongoing