Horizon Europe is the research and innovation programme of the EU for the period 2021-2027. The programme facilitates research collaboration and strengthens the impact of R&I in developing, supporting and implementing EU policies while tackling global challenges. As part of the Horizon Europe Pillar 2 (global challenges and European industrial competitiveness), HaDEA implements actions under Cluster 1 ‘Health’, including the EU Cancer Mission, and Cluster 4 ‘Digital, Industry and Space’.
Cluster 1 ‘Health research’
Pillar 2, Cluster 1 ‘Health’ contributes to six expected impacts, known as destinations, set out in the programme’s strategic plan:
- Staying healthy in a rapidly changing society;
- Living and working in a health-promoting environment;
- Tackling diseases & reducing disease burden;
- Ensuring access to innovative, sustainable & high-quality healthcare;
- Unlocking the full potential of new tools, technologies and digital solutions for a healthy society; and
- Maintaining an innovative, sustainable & globally competitive health industry.
Through these destinations, Cluster 1 will contribute to the EU’s health priorities.
It tackles complex challenges such as evolving demographics (ageing, multi-morbidities), the need for greater resilience and equity in our healthcare systems and better preparedness to face change in our societies.
EU Cancer Mission
HaDEA also manages calls and projects under the EU Cancer Mission.
Together with Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, the EU Cancer Mission is the European Commission’s response to addressing the increasing cancer burden, which represents a growing societal challenge, by bringing together research, innovation and public health policies.
More information
Calls, evaluation and contracting, feedback to policy and support activities
Info Days give applicants and stakeholders the opportunity to receive information and ask questions
Overview of funded projects under Horizon Europe 'Health' and the Cancer Mission