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European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA)

About Horizon 2020

€4.26 billion
Allocated budget
Budget for H2020 projects supporting EU industry
H2020 projects in support of EU industry
Number of participants in H2020 projects
Private sector
Share of participants from private for-profit entities
Public sector
Share of participants from public and other sector
Origin of participants in H2020 projects

Horizon Europe Cluster 4 - Industry builds on the Horizon 2020 (H2020) legacy. Regarding industry, H2020 had a strong focus on developing EU industrial capabilities in different areas such as nanotechnologies, advanced materials, advanced manufacturing and processing as well as biotechnology, while increasing raw materials security. HaDEA manages a large number of the programme’s projects that are still running and producing results to boost the growth, competitiveness and resilience of the European industrial ecosystem.

We must support science, industry and start-ups. We already have an amazing success with Horizon 2020, so we need to build on this.

Carlos Moedas, former Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation

More information

Nanosciences, Nanotech, Materials and new Production Technologie

H2020 programme database