- Status
- Closed
- Reference
- Publication date
- 18 October 2023 in!Tv8TNf
- Opening date
- Deadline model
- Single-stage
- Deadline date
- 20 February 2024, 17:00 (CET)
- Funding programme
- Department
- European Health and Digital Executive Agency
- Programme Sector
- Digital
- Programme
- Connecting Europe Facility 2
- Tags
- Digital technology
- Digital transformation
- EU financing
- Proposals
This topic will support the deployment of backbone connectivity for routes within Member States (including OCTs), between Member States (including OCTs), and between Member States (including OCTs) and third countries:
(1) where there is a lack of redundancy on a route. This is typically the case of routes which are not served by at least two present or credibly planned backbone infrastructures; or
(2) where existing or credibly planned backbone infrastructure cannot reliably satisfy the demand, taking into account, the increase in demand linked to ongoing or credibly planned investments in the upgrade of access networks in territories concerned. The utilisation of existing capacity as well as the expected lifetime of existing backbone networks are among the elements that may be taken into account to justify such a market failure and the urgency of intervention; or
(3) where despite the presence of a backbone infrastructure providing sufficient capacity and guaranteeing the necessary redundancy, in the absence of credible plans from alternative operators to enter the market, the users in the served territories suffer (or could suffer in the absence of adequate regulatory remedies) from suboptimal services or prices compared to those offered in more competitive but otherwise comparable areas or routes. This could be the case for instance if the backbone infrastructure or a substantial part of it is in the hands of an operator which according to a competent national regulatory authority has significant market power in the relevant market.
Please consult the call document for more information on the scope, including digital security requirements.