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European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA)
  • Call for proposals
  • Closed

Support to the implementation of the European Digital Identity Framework and the implementation of the Once Only System under the Single Digital Gateway Regulation


Publication date
15 February 2022 in!8vJmTn
Opening date
Deadline model
Deadline date
17 August 2022, 17:00 (CEST)
Programme Sector
  • Digital
  • Digital Europe Programme
  • Digital technology
  • Digital transformation
  • EUFunded
  • Proposals



The objective of the topic is to develop, implement and scale up the European Digital Identity framework, based on the revised eIDAS regulatory framework as well as the exchange of evidence as set out in article 14 the Single Digital Gateway Regulation. The broader objective of European Digital Identity is to improve citizen’s access to highly trusted and secure electronic identity means and trust services such as digital signatures, improve citizens’ possibilities to use them and improve their ability to control over sharing their personal identity data. Reaching these aims requires technical implementation work procured by the Commission in particular in the development phase as well as by organisations providing public and private online services in Member States. The topic aims to develop and pilot tools supporting the implementation of the new European electronic identity for all relevant stakeholders. It also intends to develop and deploy use-cases, including innovative solutions, for the new EU-eID ecosystem leveraging and using synergies with decentralised technologies and the work for a self-sovereign identity framework undertaken at EBSI and developed in the context of the new trust service for electronic ledgers (see topic 5.2.1). It will support the implementation of the once-only principle and the sharing of data between public administrations in the EU under the control of the user.


  • Pilot implementations of the European Digital Identity Wallet and its ecosystem and piloting of use cases in priority areas as relevant for the once-only principle under the Single Digital Gateway regulation, as well as validating technical references, standards, components and solutions. Use-cases may build on decentralised technologies such as the exchange of credentials leveraging electronic ledgers.
  • Implementation activities by public and private sector service providers to integrate their systems with the European Digital Identity Wallet and its ecosystem, in particular for the purpose of exchanging digital attestations of attributes and identity credentials by means of a personalised digital wallet. These activities may also include innovative technical solutions based on electronic ledgers such as those developed by EBSI.