Multiple framework contracts for legal support services for compliance assessment of national transposing measures in the health and food safety areas - European Commission
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European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA)
  • Call for tenders
  • Ongoing

Multiple framework contracts for legal support services for compliance assessment of national transposing measures in the health and food safety areas


Publication date
Deadline date
Programme Sector
  • Health
  • EU4Health
  • Health data
  • HealthUnion
  • Public procurement
  • Tendering


HaDEA has published the EU4Health call for tenders HADEA/2025/OP/0012 on multiple framework contracts in cascade for legal support services for the compliance assessment of national transposing measures in the health and food safety areas in the context of the enlargement.

This action covers expert legal support for the assessment of the regulatory alignment with Union law in the context of enlargement. This assessment will help candidate countries to proceed with the adoption of the national legislation aiming at the full alignment with the Union acquis in the field of public health. The assessment of the compatibility is also essential for the Commission services to provide adequate recommendations for the next steps. 

Estimated budget: €5 670 000 (indicative ceiling for each of the Framework contracts to be signed)