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European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA)
  • News article
  • 3 February 2022
  • European Health and Digital Executive Agency, Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety
  • 2 min read

Four EU4Health new Prior Information Notices published

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HaDEA has recently published Prior Information Notices for calls for tenders to be funded under the EU4Health 2021 Annual Work Programme.

Interested parties are invited to consult TED and e-Tendering for the possible publication of the contract notice and tender documents.

HADEA/2022/OP/0002 Service Contract for a Study on Guidance on Methodologies to Assess the Performance of Vaccination Programmes

The overall aim of this call for tender is to support Member States in monitoring the performance of national vaccination programmes and services. The objectives of this call are:

— to carry out a mapping of existing methodologies to monitor the performance of all vaccination programmes in EU Member States;

— to develop a set of recommendations with a view to improving the identified methodologies;

— to organise a one day conference with all EU competent national authorities;

— to finalise the set of recommendations, translate them in EU languages and disseminate to all EU Member States.

Estimated total value 750 000.00 EUR


HADEA/2022/OP/0003 - Service Contract for Analysis on Workforce Availability, Education and Training in Quality and Safety Aspects of Medical Applications of Ionising Radiation in the EU

The scope of this call for tenders is to provide an analysis on workforce availability, education and training in quality and safety aspects of medical applications of ionising radiation in the EU. The service contract also foresees the development of staffing and education/training guidelines for key professional groups involved in ensuring radiation safety and quality of medical radiation applications in the EU Member States.

Estimated total value: 500 000.00 EUR


HADEA/2022/OP/0004 Service Contract to Design, Develop, Pilot and Deliver an ‘EU Mobile App for Cancer Prevention’

The scope of this call for tenders is the design, development, piloting and delivery of a software called ‘EU Mobile App for Cancer Prevention’.

The working product will offer to individuals an interactive IT tool to make use of concrete information on how to reduce their cancer risks, in line with most updated approaches and evidence-based information. The tender is part of the flagships and actions, which will implement the Europe’s beating cancer plan.

Estimated total value: 3 500 000.00 EUR


HADEA/2022/OP/0005 Service Contract to Design, Develop, Pilot and Deliver the Web IT Tool of the Prototype (Mock-up) Version of the ‘Cancer Survivor Smart Card’

The scope of this call for tenders is to design, develop, pilot and deliver the web IT tool of the prototype (mock-up) version of the ‘Cancer Survivor Smart Card’, to improve the quality of life for cancer survivors, including children and young adults cancer survivors.

The working product will be open source and support:

1. the access to resources to be used by cancer survivors; and

2. the secured sharing of personal health data related to their condition and disease with their carers.

Estimated total value: 4 000 000.00 EUR

Programme Sector
  • Health
  • EU4Health
  • Public health
  • Tendering