The EU4Health programme is the largest EU funding programme dedicated to health. The programme’s priorities and implementation actions are set out in the annual work programmes.
HaDEA has launched fifteen calls for tenders under the EU4Health 2021 and 2022 work programmes and six service contracts have already been signed.
2021 work programme
HADEA/2021/OP/0010 - Service contract to identify obstacles to vaccination of physical, practical or administrative nature and develop recommendations
On 14 July 2022, HaDEA signed a service contract with a group of economic operators, namely Kantar Belgium, Ifok GmbH, European Health Management Association and Fundación Fomento de la Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de la Comunidad Valenciana.
The contractors are expected to:
- Carry out a mapping of vaccination services in all EU contries to identify obstacles to vaccination of physical, practical and administrative nature;
- Assess, on the basis of large-scale surveys in EU countries and among health professionals, to what extent these obstacles have a negative impact on vaccination coverage rates;
- Identify, on the basis of criteria developed by the European Commission, best practices developed by EU countries to overcome such obstacles;
- Organise on-site visits to EU countries to learn best practices;
- Pilot best practices in volunteering EU countries; and
- Develop final recommendations for overcoming obstacles to vaccination.
See the contract award notice to learn more.
HADEA/2021/OP/0011 - Service contract for systematic reviews of scientific evidence on vaccines and capacity building activities
On 9 September 2022, HaDEA signed a service contract with a group of economic operators, namely the National University of Ireland, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Universitaetsklinikum Freiburg, University for Continuing Education Krems and Robert Koch Institute.
The contractors are expected to support the activities of the EU/EEA National Immunisation Technical Advisory Groups (NITAG) by:
- Conducting 16 reviews of scientific evidence in the area of vaccines and/or EU/EEA vaccination programmes, including COVID-19;
- Preparing and executing the online training on methodologies for assessing evidence review, synthesis, evaluation and transformation into technical documents/guidance;
- Carrying out capacity building activities to strengthen collaboration.
See the contract award notice to learn more.
HADEA/2021/OP/0012 - Single Framework Contract for Performing Independent Assessments and Evaluations of European Reference Networks and of Healthcare Providers
On 27 September 2022, HaDEA signed a contract with IDOM Consulting, Engineering, Architecture, S. A. U. and the Fundación Publica Andaluza Progreso y Salud.
The contractors will perform independent assessments and evaluations. More specifically, they will:
- Conduct documentation reviews of European Reference Networks (ERNs), including online interviews;
- Perform documentation reviews of healthcare providers (HCPs) for both general and specific criteria;
- Perform onsite audits (if needed, online audits) of ERNs and HCPs;
- Create final technical reports.
See the contract award notice to learn more.
2022 work programme
HADEA/2022/OP/0001 - Service Contract for Logistic, Administrative and Secretarial Support to DG SANTE related to the Governing Bodies of the European Reference Networks and the eHealth Network
On 14 July 2022, HaDEA signed a contract with INFEUROPE SA and Mercury 97 Ltd.
The contractors are expected to:
- Provide logistic, administrative and secretarial support to the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety regarding the functioning of the governing bodies of the European Reference Networks (ERNs) and the eHealth Network (eHN).
See the contract award notice to learn more.
HADEA/2022/OP/0002 - Service Contract for a Study on Guidance on Methodologies to Assess the Performance of Vaccination Programmes
On 1 September 2022, HaDEA signed a contract with a group of economic operators, namely Technopolis B.V., Schuttelaar & Partners, Consultancy for Food and Life Sciences NV and Stichting Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek van de Gezondheidszorg.
The contractors are expected to:
- Carry out a mapping of existing methodologies to monitor the performance of all vaccination programmes in EU countries;
- Develop a set of recommendations with a view to improving the identified methodologies;
- Organise a one-day conference with all EU competent national authorities;
- Finalise the set of recommendations, translate and disseminate these to all EU countries.
See the contract award notice to learn more.
HADEA/2022/OP/0004 - Service Contract to Design, Develop, Pilot and Deliver an ‘EU Mobile App for Cancer Prevention’
On 7 November 2022, HaDEA signed a service contract with Netcompany - Intrasoft S.A.
The contractor is expected to design, develop and deliver a software called ‘EU Mobile App for Cancer Prevention’.
The final working product will be an interactive IT tool with concrete information on how to reduce cancer risks, in line with the most updated approaches and evidence-based information.
See the contract award notice to learn more.
Background information
EU4Health, with a budget of €5.3 billion, is the fourth and largest of the EU health programmes. The EU4Health programme goes beyond an ambitious response to the COVID-19 crisis to address the resilience of European healthcare systems. The programme provides funding to national authorities, health organisations and other bodies through grants and public procurement, contributing to a healthier Europe.
HaDEA manages the vast majority of the total EU4Health budget and implements the programme by managing calls for proposals and tenders from 2021 to 2027.
- Publication date
- 6 January 2023 (Last updated on: 6 January 2023)
- Author
- European Health and Digital Executive Agency
- Programme Sector
- Health
- Programme
- EU4Health
- Tags
- EUFunded
- HealthUnion
- Public health
- Public procurement
- Tendering