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European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA)

Available funding

The European Commission has entrusted HaDEA with the implementation of different programmes, including the EU4Health programme.

HaDEA manages the delegated EU4Health actions through:

  • Action grants and operating grants (selected through open calls for proposals);
  • Direct grants to identified beneficiaries (such as the European Reference Networks);
  • Joint Actions and other direct grants to competent health authorities nominated by EU and eligible non-EU countries;
  • Procurement (selected through calls for tenders):
    • Open procedure: any interested economic operator can submit a tender (successful tenderer signs a service contract)
    • Framework contract: only open to economic operators that are part of the framework contract (successful tenderer signs a specific contract).

Ongoing and upcoming calls

Who can apply?

The EU4Health Programme provides funding to:

  • Eligible legal entities from EU countries;
  • Eligible legal entities from non-EU countries associated to the programme, or listed in the annual work programmes and created under Union law;
  • International organisations.

The EU4Health Annual Work Programmes specify the eligible entities for each topic together with the objectives, scope, activities, expected results and impact. The detailed rules and requirements to apply for the specific topics are specified in the calls.

The funded activities take place in the eligible countries.

How to apply?

An overview of funding opportunities and the application process can be found in the dedicated factsheet:

  • 30 NOVEMBER 2022
Funding opportunities - EU4Health


Calls for proposals

Applications must be submitted via the Funding and Tenders Portal (FTP).

Eligible organisations that wish to apply must first register in the Participant Register. On the FTP, applicants can also look for project partners.

Additional guidance on how to submit a proposal via the FTP is available in an online manual and a dedicated video.

Proposals must contribute to the priorities identified in the relevant annual work programme topic and meet the requirements listed in the dedicated call.

The proposals are evaluated by HaDEA and the Commission, assisted by external experts if needed. Interested experts can register to evaluate future proposals.

Funding rate

The costs will be reimbursed at the funding rate fixed in the Grant Agreement (maximum 60%).

Applicants can apply for a higher funding rate (maximum 80%) if the project is of ‘exceptional utility’, which concerns:

  • Actions where at least 30 % of the budget is allocated to EU countries whose GNI per inhabitant is less than 90% of the EU average; or
  • Actions with bodies from at least 14 EU countries and where at least four are from EU countries whose GNI per inhabitant is less than 90% of the EU average.

Please consult the Gross National Income (GNI) table per capita per Member States and the 90% of the Union average valid for the 2024 programme.


Calls for tenders

EU public procurement plays an important part on the single market and is governed by rules intended to remove barriers and openupmarkets in a non-discriminatory and competitive way.

Contract notices are published on Ted tenders electronic daily. All the documents related to open calls for tenders are published on the Funding and Tenders Portal (FTP), where interested economic operators will find all the relevant documents related to a specific call for tenders, including:

  • Invitation to tender;

  • Technical specifications (that include the description of the service to be purchased as well as the selection, exclusion and award criteria);

  • Draft contract;

  • Financial form and annexes.

Tenderers shall note that there are no existing templates for the technical offer. It is up to the tenderer to identify the most suitable way to design its offer.

Further information on a specific call for tenders (how to submit an offer, Q&A, opening of tenders, evaluation of tenders, award) can be found in the invitation to tender, accessible through the FTP.

Tenders must be submitted exclusively via the Funding and Tenders portal (FTP). Tenders submitted in any other way (e.g. e-mail or by letter) will be disregarded.

Following the opening session, the offers are evaluated by HaDEA and the Commission, assisted by external experts if needed.

A contract award notice is published on the FTP within 30 days from the contract signature. The contract award notice includes information on the contract awarded, the contract, the value and the procedure followed.

Pre-financing is not foreseen in procurements. Payments (interim and final) will only be made after the submission of the deliverables and their approval by the contracting authority as per the contract provisions.

Info Days

EU4Health info days are interactive sessions organised by HaDEA with the Commission (DG SANTE, DG HERA) to inform and help prepare potential applicants for forthcoming calls for proposals. The info days provide guidance on the policy aims of the call, and administrative and financial aspects of EU4Health grants.

Similarly, info sessions to inform about rules to apply are also organised for priority calls for tenders. Presentations from the info sessions are made available on HADEA website and Ted eTendering after the info session takes place.

Upcoming info days and recordings of past info days are available in the EU4Health news section.