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European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA)
HORIZON EUROPE - header - health
Horizon Europe - Health

Horizon Europe Health generates new knowledge and develops innovative solutions to protect people’s health and wellbeing.

HaDEA supports health research by managing Cluster 1 ‘Health’ of the Horizon Europe programme (€4.1 billion for 2021-27), part of Next Generation EU (€1.3 billion for 2021-23), and the legacy programme Horizon 2020. It organises calls for proposals to fund collaborative research projects.


proposals - HOR EU

Ongoing and upcoming calls for proposals

experts - HOR EU

Ongoing and upcoming calls for experts

Manage your project


Calls, evaluation and contracting, feedback to policy and support activities


Woman in front of a screen in a laboratory
  • News article

On 24 October 2024, HaDEA and DG RTD organised a webinar on 'How to communicate about and disseminate project results under Horizon Europe Cluster 1 ‘Health’ and Horizon 2020.

  • 1 min read
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